This game was not meant to be X-men Final Fantasy where you watch hours of cutscenes and dork with item menus. This game was designed to be fun for multiple people, and probably kids. I'm very critical of my games, but this is definitely a solid 8 rating with high production values. The music of this game is also very cinematic. I liked exploring all of the areas and making sure I had destroyed everything in site. You can and will lose team mates mid-way through a level, make it harder, but you can revive them at checkpoints. They also could have made a little bit more back and forth combat where you time attacks. These types of games have a lot going on. One thing is that you should probably have big screen to play it on. Not the hardest game in the world, but it is fun to play. The characterizations and voice acting are dead on. Even the loading screens feature amazing X-men comic artwork. The artwork is gorgeous with tons of backgrounds and different enemies. The team attacks are really fun to perform (rogue throws Wolverine). is generally very good and won't hold you back. There are some menus, where you can change items, change player skins, and team mates, but you don't have to go into them if you want.

Basically the longer you play the more attacks you get. It is fun to switch characters and level them up. This is an action game thats fun to play with family or by yourself.

I'm only wondering why a couple vanilla RPG fans came here to write negative reviews. I'm only If you are a fan of the original X-men Arcade game or of Gauntlet Legends style beatem-ups you will absolutely love this game. If you are a fan of the original X-men Arcade game or of Gauntlet Legends style beatem-ups you will absolutely love this game.